Capacity Development

From 2011 to 2016, Itar implemented small and short-term projects funded by a number of international organizations. In 2013, Itar implemented a research project entitled, “Dreaming of State: Women’s political participation in Yemen: Mapping existing and emerging political forces,” in partnership with London School of Economics and funded by Oxfam GB. Also, in 2013, Itar conducted another research project called, “Arab Spring or Arab Autumn? Women’s political participation in the uprisings and beyond: Implications for international donor policy,” in partnership with (and funded by) CARE International.

From 2013 to 2014, Itar was a voluntary partner with Sisters Arab Forum (SAF) in a small project promoting a women’s quota in Yemen, in which both SAF and Itar implemented a series of seminars in Sana’a and Aden. From 2016 to present, Itar has partnered with Culture Media Center to implement a capacity-building project for female journalists and human rights defenders. Through this joint initiative Itar implemented three training workshops in Sana’a, as well as three workshops and a conference for Arab women in Amman.

In 2017, Itar decided to scale-up its work by expanding its Board of Directors from the four co-founders to a Board of Trustees with five members, and increased to six staff members.

In 2018, Itar began focusing on four main work strategies:

1. Localization: capacity development and institutional capacity building for local NGOs working in humanitarian action: developing a contextualized program with Dutch Relief Alliance.
2. Research: a partnership the German academic institution Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO), with GIZ support, that focuses on civil society and peacebuilding.
3. Participatory Planning: a partnership with United Nations Population Fund to develop a localized model of Life Skills Citizenship Education (LSCE).
4. Technical Support: strengthening a partnership between the Internationally Recognized Government (IRG) Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training and local CSOs, with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) signed between the two parties in February 2020.
5. Youth Resilience: a partnership with SPARK Organization- Yemen Office (an international organization based on Netherlands) to enhance advocacy on youth’s opportunities to livelihood: access to agri-business projects, form agri-business councils, access to vocational and technical training, improving livelihood educational curriculum, manuals and good practices in communities affected by conflict, climate crisis and displacement.

Gender Conflict Analysis: in partnership with Care International Yemen Office, a quantitative HH survey and a qualitative assessment conducted in two regions in Yemen to identify, analyzed and report again vulnerabilities and capacities women and men, including young people, marginalized groups and IDPs, access to and control of resources, changes in coping strategies, gender relation and decision-making practices.